So perhaps your hip pain started after an extended period of sitting or standing, or maybe it just started when you woke up. Firstly, I need you to pause the video and make sure you aren’t experiencing any of the ‘red flags’ below:
If you are experiencing any of the following please consult a doctor asap or go to the emergency department of your hospital.
For more information about ‘red flags’ watch this video (click here).
You should find a position of comfort whether that be sitting or lying on your back or stomach, or try lying on your side with a pillow between your legs.
In this instance, you can apply either heat or ice, for up to 20 minutes every two hours, whichever feels more relieving to your symptoms. Just be sure to put something between the heat or ice pack and your skin, such as a towel or pack holder and make sure you check the skin every few minutes for burning or irritation.
If your hip is painful when, for example bending it up, avoid this action for now, but do try and keep moving in a comfortable range.
One of the most important things is that you try not get to stressed or anxious about your pain. Just try to stay calm and know that pains like this are common and can be treated.
I recommend that you try and see a physiotherapist in the next 48hours, so that they can assess you and work out what’s most likely causing your pain and guide you through rehabilitation.