08 Aug Do you have Jaw pain?
The technical name for your jaw is the Temporomandibular joint (or TMJ for short) and jaw pain may be referred to as a TMJ disorder.
There can be a lot of factors that contribute to jaw pain such as your neck position and it commonly presents alongside neck pain or headaches. Stress, depression and anxiety can also be a contributor and making sure this is acknowledged is important.
A physio can help with improving the position of your neck and jaw by looking at your posture and movements in certain positions and recommending exercises to help your muscle imbalances including breathing techniques. Physio’s can also help to decrease some of your pain with manual therapy like massage and can refer you to a dentist for further assessment and recommendation for things like night guards to help your symptoms, or for further referral to a specialist.
To find a physio in your area of Australia or New Zealand click here.
Some of the previous exercises I have shared for headaches and neck pain can help a lot with TMJ disorders (click here), but in my next few posts I’ll share some more tips specific to Jaw pain (click here).
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