05 Nov Physio or Chiro?
Another question I often get asked is what is the difference between a Physio and a Chiro and who should I see? In my opinion, I describe the main difference as:
A physio (physiotherapist) uses hands-on treatment in combination with exercises to address pain or injury. Our exercise advice often incorporates clinical pilates and working with strength and conditioning experts for injury rehab and prevention. Plus, physio’s often have a certain area they specialise in or like treating, for example, sports injuries, women’s health issues, chronic pain.. (for me it’s sports and concussion).
A chiro (chiropractor) uses hands-on treatment, in particular spinal manipulation techniques, with less of a focus on exercise rehab and a more broad approach that includes advice in regard to nutrition and lifestyle.
So basically you can see either of us, it just depends which approach you like or you feel works for you! As while our approaches may differ, if your pain is improving and you are happy with your results, then what more can you ask for!
If you’re still unsure who to start with, of course I will recommend seeing a physio, but you could always chat to your GP about your issue and they can help advise who may be most appropriate for you to see.
To find a physio in your area of Australia or New Zealand click here.
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